Africa and technology on ITB agenda
The Africa Forum at the ITB in Berlin in March will draw on the experiences of companies in Africa that are using the latest information technology in tourism, and will then present them for discussion.
This year’s subject “Africadotcom – The IT-Gap? ” will address the need for most African countries to overcome resistance by the tourism industry to the use of new information technologies.
The Africa Forum at ITB 2002 will be introduced by brief presentations of IT applications by African companies. This information will be augmented by introductory statements by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and by experts from the tourism industry in Europe. These will be followed by an invitation for participants to engage in an in-depth discussion with the speakers and with their fellow participants.
The aim of the Africa Forum 2002 is to encourage the exchange of knowledge between users and, if possible, to prepare for joint ventures between companies.
The Africa Forum at ITB will take place at 14h00 on March 19 in the ICC Berlin, Hall 7.
(Miguel de Sousa)
Information supplied by TravelNewsNow
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