China earthquake deaths rise, as lockdown anger grows

China earthquake deaths rise, as lockdown anger grows

Saturday, 07 Sep, 2022 0

The death toll in the 6.8-magnitude earthquake in southwestern China reached 74 people as anger mounts over the Covid lockdown at the time.

At least 26 others remain missing after the quake shook Chengdu.

It triggered some landslides and knocked out power.

Over 50,000 people were evacuated from their homes, Xinhua News Agency said.

Close to Tibet, Chengdu was under a zero-Covid lockdown which prevented residents from leaving their buildings while they shook, according to foreign media reports.

About 21 million residents are under lockdown.

Most damage to homes was caused in the Ganze Tibetan Autonomous Region, about 100 miles from Chengdu.

According to the AP, authorities refused to allow residents out of apartment buildings due to strict lockdown rules.

However, all deaths were thought to be outside the city and closer to the epicentre in the Tibetan Region.

Still, it has caused widespread anger with growing protests against China’s zero-Covid policy.



Ray Monty

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