Climate change: Paris ‘last chance’ for action

Scientists call on world leaders to sign up to an eight-point plan of action at landmark talks in Paris
The UN meeting in December is "the last chance" to avert dangerous climate change, according to the Earth League.
Scientific evidence shows this can be achieved, but only with bold action now, says an alliance of climate researchers from 17 institutions.
Say the Earth League: "In 2015, a good climate future is still within reach. If we act boldly, we can safeguard human development. It is a moral obligation, and in our self-interest, to achieve deep decarbonization of the global economy via equitable effort sharing."
"This requires reaching a zero-carbon society by mid-century or shortly thereafter, thereby limiting global warming to below 2°C as agreed by all nations in 2010. This trajectory is not one of economic pain, but of economic opportunity, progress and inclusiveness. It is a chance too good to be missed. We have just embarked upon a journey of innovation, which can create a new generation of jobs and industries, whilst enhancing the resilience of communities and people around the world."
Earth League’s Eight Essential Elements of Climate Action in Paris:
- Governments must put into practice their commitment to limit global warming to below 2°C.
- The remaining global carbon budget – the limit of what we can still emit in the future - must be well below 1000 Gt CO2 to have a reasonable chance to hold the 2°C line.
- We need to fundamentally transform the economy and adopt a global goal to phase out greenhouse gases completely by mid-century.
- Equity is critical for a successful global agreement in Paris. Every country must formulate an emissions pathway consistent with deep decarbonization. For the sake of fairness, rich countries and progressive industries can and should take the lead.
- We must unleash a wave of climate innovation for the global good, and enable universal access to the solutions we already have.
- We need a global strategy to reduce vulnerability, build resilience and deal with loss and damage of communities from climate impacts, including collective action and scaled-up support.
- We must safeguard carbon sinks and vital ecosystems, which is as important for climate protection as the reduction of emissions.
- We must urgently realize new scales and sources of climate finance for developing countries to enable our rapid transition to zerocarbon, climateresilient societies.
Further information:
Valere Tjolle
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