French tourist discovered in cockpit crew seat - TravelMole

French tourist discovered in cockpit crew seat

Monday, 25 Mar, 2013 0

When the staff at US Airways in Philadelphia Airport told Philippe Jernnard there were no more seats in business class, the Florida-bound retiree took a page from the movie "Catch Me If You Can." He dressed up like a pilot and took a seat in the cockpit.

Now he is being held on $1 million bail by Philadelphia police. The FBI is investigating, too.

When a flight attendant entered the cockpit and saw the man sitting in the jump seat behind the captain, Jernnard identified himself as an Air France pilot, CNN reported.

He was wearing a white shirt with an Air France logo and a black jacket with four gold stripes on the epaulets, like those pilots wear.

But when he had trouble strapping himself in, the flight crew grew suspicious and checked his credentials, which turned out to be fake.

By the time corporate security realized exactly what had happened, Jernnard had headed for another flight at a different terminal. But they called the local police, who arrested him there.

Jernnard, who said he ”hates Americans," is charged with trespassing, impersonating a public servant, and lying to police.

US Airways declined to comment, citing the FBI investigation.




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