Gatwick says security is at 'heightened level' - TravelMole

Gatwick says security is at ‘heightened level’

Sunday, 30 Jun, 2016 0

Gatwick has sought to reassure passengers that the airport is safe following this week’s terror attack on Istanbul’s major international airport.

As the London airport announced a 5.5% increase in passengers over the past 12 months, CEO Stewart Wingate said security was ‘at a heightened level of alert’.

"We have very rigorous procedures in place," he told BBC 5 Live this morning.

He said the airport had invested very heavily in security. "We are being very vigilant at this time," he added.

Some commentators have suggested there would have been more casualties in the latest attack in Istanbul had the airport not searched passengers prior to entering the airport, leading to suggestions that UK airports might be vulnerable as passengers aren’t searched until they go through security.

There have not been any indications UK airports might install scanners at their entrances, but IATA has released a statement saying airports are working on plans to move passengers through security as fast as possible.



Linsey McNeill

Editor Linsey McNeill has been writing about travel for more than three decades. Bylines include The Times, Telegraph, Observer, Guardian and Which? plus the South China Morning Post. She also shares insider tips on

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