Travel and Tourism Bibliography - TravelMole

Travel and Tourism Bibliography

Tuesday, 30 Jul, 2001 0

Here is TravelMole’s list of travel and tourism texts. It is by no means comprehensive. If you know of a book we haven’t listed, perhaps you could email us. If you go to the individual book’s page, you will see a facility to buy the book, or to review the book. If you have read one of these books and would like to add a comment about it, please feel free to do so.

Aitchison, C., MacLeod, N. and Shaw, S.J. (2000) Leisure and Tourism Landscapes. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Apostolopoulos, Y., (2001) Island Tourism and Sustainable Development. Praeger. Read more about this book

Apostolopoulos, Y., Leontidu, L. and Loukissas, P. (eds.) (2000) Mediterranean Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Apostolopoulos, Y., Leivadi, S. and Yianakkis, A. (eds.) (1996) The Sociology of Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Aronsson, L. (2000) The Development Of Sustainable Tourism. Continuum International Publishing Group. Read more about this book

Ashworth, G.J. and Tunbridge, J.E. (1990) The Tourist – Historic City. Belhaven

Baker, S., Kousis, M., Richardson, D. and Young, S. (1997) The Politics of Sustainable Development. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Baron, D. (1996) Business and its environment. Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead. Read more about this book

Bartelmus, P. (1994) Environment, Growth and Development: The Concepts and Strategies of Sustainability. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Beioley, S.J., Maitland, R.A. & Vaughan, R. (1990) Tourism and the Inner City. The Stationery Office Books. Read more about this book

Betteridge, D. (1997) Event Management in Leisure and Tourism. London, Hodder & Stoughton. Read more about this book

Boissevain, J. (ed) (1996) Coping with Tourists. Berghahn, Oxford. Read more about this book

Briguglio, L., Archer, B., Jafari, J., Wall, G. (eds.) Sustainable Tourism in Islands and Small States: Issues and Policies. Pinter, London

British Tourist Authority (NoDate) A Guide to Conference Marketing. London, British Tourist Authority, London

British Tourist Authority (NoDate) Promoting British Exhibitions in Overseas Markets. British Tourist Authority, London

British Tourist Authority (NoDate) Hosting an International Conference in Britain. British Tourist Authority, London

Brown, F. (1998), Tourism Reassessed: Blight or Blessing? Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. Read more about this book

Brunt, P. (1997) Market Research in Travel and Tourism. Butterworth-Heinnemann, London

Bull A. (1995), The Economics of Travel and Tourism. 2nd Edition, Longman, London.

Burns, P. (1999) An Introduction to Tourism and Anthropology. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Burns P. and Holden A. (1995) Tourism: A new perspective. Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead.

Burtenshaw, D. Bateman, M. and Ashworth, G. (1991) The European City: A Western Perspective. David Fulton Publishers

Business Marketing Services Limited (1990) The Effectiveness of Corporate Hospitality 1990: An Objective, Independent Analysis of the Corporate Hospitality Industry. London, Business Marketing Services Limited.

Butler, R.W. & Boyd, S.W. (2000) Tourism and National Parks: Issues and Implications. Wiley. Read more about this book

Cashman, R. & Hughes, A. (eds.)(1999) Staging the Olympics: the Event and Its Impact. Sydney, University of New South Wales Press.

Cater, E. & Lowman, G. (eds.) (1994) Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option? Wiley, Chichester. Read more about this book

Clark, M., Riley, M., Wilkie, E. and Wood, R. (1998) Researching and Writing Dissertations in Hospitality and Tourism. Thomson Business Press, London

Conlin, M. & Baum, T. (eds.) (1995) Island Tourism: Management Principles and Practice. Wiley, Chichester.
Read more about this book

Cooper C., Fletcher J., Gilbert D. & Wanhill S. (1998) Tourism Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition. Longman, London. Read more about this book

Cooper, C. and Lockwood, A. (eds), Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management. Belhaven, London

Crouch, D. (ed.) (1999) Leisure/Tourism Geographies. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Dallen, J.T. (2001) Tourism and Political Boundaries. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Davidson R. (1994) Business Travel, Longman, London. Read more about this book

Davidson R. (1998) Travel and Tourism in Europe. Longman, London. Read more about this book

Davidson R. and Maitland R. (1997) Tourism Destinations, Hodder and Stoughton, London. Read more about this book

DeKadt, E. (1979) Tourism – Passport to Development? Oxford University Press, Oxford

Dickinson, B. & Vladimir, A. (1996) Selling the Sea: An Inside Look at the Cruise Industry. Wiley Read more about this book

Doswell, R. (1997) Tourism – How Effective Management Makes a Difference. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford

Eber, S. (1992) Beyond the Green Horizon. WWF, Surrey

Elliott, J. (1997) Tourism:politics and public sector management. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

English Heritage (1997) How to Plan Successful Events: Welcoming Our Visitors; Managing and Presenting Heritage Sites: A Guide for Tutors and Students. English Heritage, London

English Tourist Board (1984) The UK Conference Market: Providing for the Future. London, English Touirst Board. European Federation of Conference Towns (1992) Report on Europe: An Annual Survey of the European Conference Scene. Richmond, European Federation of Conference Towns.

ETB/Dept of Employment (1991) Tourism and the Environment: Maintaining the Balance, English Tourist Board, London

Fennell, D.A. (1999) Ecotourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Font, X. (2001) Tourism Ecolabelling. CABI Publishing, UK. Read more about this book

France, L (ed.) (1997) The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Tourism, Earthscan Publications ltd, London. Read more about this book

Fremont, F. (1983) How to Open and Run a Money-Making Travel Agency. Wiley, Chichester. Read more about this book

Gartner, W.C. (1996) Tourism Development: Principles, Processes, and Policies. Wiley. Read more about this book

Gee, C.Y., Makens, J.C. & Choy, D. (1997) The Travel Industry. Wiley. Read more about this book

Getz, D. (1991) Festivals, Special Events and Tourism. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York

Getz, D. (1997) Event Management and Event Tourism. Cognizant Communications Corporation, New York

Griffin, R. (2001) Business, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, Read more about this book

Guerrier, Y. (1999) Organizational Behaviour in Hotels and Restaurants: An International Perspective. Wiley Read more about this book

Goeldner, C., Brent Ritchie, J.R. & McIntosh, R.W. (1999) Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies. Wiley. Read more about this book

Hall, C.M. (1997) Hallmark Tourist Events: Impacts, Management and Planning. Wiley, Australia. Read more about this book

Hall, C.M. (2000) Tourism Planning, Prentice Hall, Harlow. Read more about this book

Hall, M. and Lew, A. (1998) Sustainable Tourism: A Geographical Perspective. Longman, Harlow. Read more about this book

Hall, C. (1994) Tourism and Politics: Policy, Power and Place. Wiley, Chichester. Read more about this book

Hall, C.M. (2000) Tourism and Planning. Prentice Hall. Read more about this book

Hall, C.M. & Johnston, M.E. (eds) (1995) Polar Tourism: Tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Wiley. Read more about this book

Hall, M. and Page, S.J. The Geography of Tourism and Recreation. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Hampton, W (1991) Local Government and Urban Politics (2nd ed.), Longman

Harrison, L.C. (ed) (1996) Practicing Responsible Tourism. Wiley, Chichester. Read more about this book

Heath, E. and Wall G. (1992) Marketing Tourism Destinations. Wiley. Read more about this book

Holden, A. (2000) Environment and Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Holleman, G. (1995) Travel and Hospitality Online: A Guide to Online Services. Wiley. Read more about this book

Holloway J.C. (1998), The Business of Tourism, 5th Edition, Longman, London. Read more about this book

Honey, M. (1999), Ecotourism and Sustainable Travel: Who Owns Paradise?, Island Press.
Read more about this book

Inglis, F. (2000) The Delicious History of the Holiday. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Inskeep, E. (1991) Tourism Planning: An Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach. John Wiley. Read more about this book

Ioannides, D. and Debbage, K.G. (eds.) (1998) The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Jafari, J. (2000) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

King, B. (1997) Creating Island Resorts. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Law, C. (ed) Tourism in Major Cities. International Thompson. Read more about this book

Laws, E., Faulkner, B. and Moscardo, G. (1998) Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Lea, J. (1988) Tourism and Development in the Third World. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Lickorish L. & Jenkins K. (1997), An Introduction to Tourism, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.Read more about this book

Lundberg, D.E., Krishnamoorthy, M. & Stavenga, M.H. (1995)
Tourism Economics. Wiley. Read more about this book

Mathieson, A. and Wall, G. (1982) Tourism: Economic, Physical, and Social Impacts. Longman & Scientific Technical, Essex. Read more about this book

McEwen, D. (1987) The Economic Impact of Tourism in London. London Tourist Board

McLaren, D. (1998) Rethinking Tourism And Ecotravel, Kumarian Press. Read more about this book

Meetings and Incentive Travel Magazine and Brett Howell Associates (1997) The UK Meetings and Incentive Travel Market Survey 1997. Petersfield, Hants., Brett Howell Associates.

Middleton, V.T.C. and Hawkins, R. (1998) Sustainable Tourism: A Marketing Perspective. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford

Montanari, A. & Williams, A.M. (1995) European Tourism: regions, spaces and restructuring. Wiley

Morgan, N. & Pritchard, A. (1998) Tourism Promotion and Power: Creating Images, Creating Identities. Wiley. Read more about this book

Mossberg, L.l. (ed.) (2000) Evaluation of Events : Scandinavian Experiences (Tourism Dynamics). Cognizant Communications Corporation, New York

Moutinho, L. (ed) (2000) Strategic Management in Tourism. CABI Publishing, UK. Read more about this book

Mowforth, M. and Munt, I. (1997) Tourism and Sustainability. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Murphy, P.E. (ed) (1997) Quality Management in Urban Tourism. Wiley

Myddleton, D. (1993) Accounting and Financial Decisions, Longman

Neal, G. (2nd Ed) The Green Travel Guide, Earthscan, London. Read more about this book

Orams, M. (1998) Marine Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Page, S. (1995) Urban Tourism, Routledge

Pearce, D. (1995) Tourism Today: a geographical analysis. Longman

Pearce, D. and Butler, R.W. (eds.) (1999) Contemporary Issues in Tourism Development. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Pearce, D. and Butler, R.W. (eds.) (1993) Tourism Research: Critiques and Challenges. Routledge, London

Pearce, D (1993) BluePrint 3: Measuring Sustainable Development. EarthScan, London

Pigram, J. ((1999) Outdoor Recreation Management. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Poynter, J. (1993) How to Research and Write a Thesis in Hospitality and Tourism: A Step by Step Guide for College Students. Wiley, Chichester

Price, M. (ed) (1997) People and Tourism in Fragile Environments. Wiley. Read more about this book

Richards, B. (1992) How to market tourist attractions, festivals and special events. Longman, Harlow

Richards, G. (1996) Cultural Tourism in Europe. CAB International, UK. Read more about this book

Richards, G. and Hall, D. (eds.) (2000) Tourism and Sustainable Community Development. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Ringer, G. (ed.) (1998) Destinations. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Ritchie, C. and Goeldner, C. (1994) Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Research. 2nd Ed. Wiley, Chichester. Read more about this book

Robbins, S. and Coultar, M. (1996) Management, 5th ed, Prentice Hall

Robinson, M. (2000) Environmental Management and Pathways to Sustainable Tourism. Business Education Publishers. Read more about this book

Ryan, C. (1996) Researching Tourist Satisfaction. Routledge, London

Ryan, C. and Hall, M. (2001) Sex Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Ryan, C. (ed.) (1997) The Tourist Experience: A new introduction. Cassell, London.

Seaton, A. V. (ed) (1995) Tourism: the State of the Art. Wiley

Schoell,W., Dessler,G. and Reinecke,J. (1993) Introduction to Business, 7th ed, Prentice Hall

Shapiro, M. Internet Travel Planner, Globe Pequot Press. Read more about this book

Shaw G. and Williams A. (1994) Critical Issues in Tourism. Blackwell, Oxford.

Sinclair, M.T. and Stabler, M. (1997) Economics of Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Sinclair, M.T. (1996) Gender, Work and Tourism. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Smith, P. (ed.) (1998) The History of Tourism: Thomas Cook and the Origins of Leisure Travel. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Smith, S. (1994) Tourism Analysis: A Handbook. Longman, London

Smyth, H. (1994) Marketing the City: the role of flagship developments in urban regeneration, E & F Spon

Theobold W. (ed) (1998), Global Tourism: The next decade. 2nd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.

Thomas, R. (ed) (1996) The Hospitality Industry, Tourism and Europe. Cassell

Total Research (1997) The UK Corporate Hospitality Report. London, Total Research.

Vellas, F. and Becherel, L. (1995) International Tourism. Macmillan

Wahab, S. and Pigram, J. (1997) Tourism, Development and Growth. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Watt, D. (1998) Event Management in Leisure and Tourism. Longman, Harlow

Watt, D. (1992) Leisure and Tourism Event Management & Organization Manual. Longman, Harlow

Wearing, S. (2001) Volunteer Tourism. CABI Publishing, UK. Read more about this book

Weaver, D.B. (2001) The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism. CAB International, UK. Read more about this book

Weston, S.A. (1996) Commercial Recreation & Tourism: An Introduction to Business Oriented Recreation. Madison, Brown & Benchmark Publishers.

Williams, S. (1998) Tourism Geography. Routledge, London. Read more about this book

Williams, A.M. and Shaw, G. (eds) Tourism and Economic Development: Western European Experiences. Wiley. Read more about this book

Witt S. and Moutinho L. (1995) Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook’, (Student Edition). Prentice Hall, Harlow

World Tourism Organisation (2001) Sustainable Development of Tourism. WTO. Read more about this book

Youell R. (1998) Tourism: An Introduction. Longman, London


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