
Excite Holidays partners with Advantage

Bev - Dec 07, 2024

Online travel wholesaler Excite Holidays has become a 'Highly Commended' supplier to Advantage agents. It means over 650 Advantage members…


Bourne Leisure revamps training

Diane - Dec 01, 2024

Bourne Leisure has revamped its online training offering perks and prizes on completion. Its 'Get Smarter with Brainz' programme covers…


ABTA to remain UK-only association

Linsey McNeill - Nov 26, 2024

A proposal by ABTA's Board to allow companies based outside the UK to join the Association narrowly failed to win…


Travel wages reach three-year peak

Linsey McNeill - Nov 25, 2024

Travel salaries for jobs paying up to £40K reached their highest point for three years in October, according to recruitment…