
Secret airline blacklist revealed

- Jan 07, 2024

The BBC has published an article claiming that there are six airlines banned from flying in certain countries, but that…


Travel Stockwatch

- Jan 07, 2024

British Airways shares showed good gains yesterday as travel shares generally failed to make serious headway in falling markets. The…


Air marshals row deepens

- Jan 06, 2024

The battle lines are being drawn over whether airlines should employ ?sky marshals? on flights, following news that British Airways…


BA denies jobs are to go

- Jan 05, 2024

British Airways has admitted that it is committed to cutting costs in the future – but has stopped short of…


US: Take armed marshals or else

- Dec 31, 2024

Citing the high risk of another Sept. 11 attack, the US government has notified other countries their airlines may be…


ASTA approves FAA law

- Dec 31, 2024

The American Society of Travel Agents gave its stamp of approval to various aspects of a new law related to…


High terror alert to continue?

- Dec 23, 2024

Air France agreed to cancel all Air France flights between Paris and Los Angeles Wednesday and Thursday over security concerns…