
New brand for Jersey

Phil Davies - Jun 19, 2024

Jersey is to gain new branding as a niche, upmarket destination on the back of unprecedented tourism investment.   A…


MSC Cruises signs with Amadeus

Phil Davies - Jun 19, 2024

Independent Italian line MSC Cruises is to distribute cruises to agents via the Amadeus system.   The line will become…


Knighthood for Stelios

Phil Davies - Jun 19, 2024

EasyJet found Stelios Haki-Ioannou has received a knighthood in the Queen's birthday honours. Sir Stelios, regarded for bringing low cost…


Thought for the week

Graham Muldoon - Jun 16, 2024

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars…