
TravelCLICK has new customer base

David - Oct 27, 2024

TravelClICK added over 5,000 hotels when it acquired Vantis International Corporation. Vantis is a travel reservations and marketing services firm.…


Funding to aid tourism projects

Graham Muldoon - Oct 27, 2024

Funding of nearly $8 million will be provided to support 53 innovative tourism development projects across Australia.The funding has been…


Icelanders raise easyJet stake

Phil Davies - Oct 27, 2024

Icelandair owner FL Group has raised its shareholding in easyJet, renewing speculation of a possible takeover attempt. FL Group took…


ITB to focus on travel technology

Phil Davies - Oct 27, 2024

ITB in Berlin is collaborating with travel consultancy PhoCusWright for the first time in a travel technology event at next…


Terrorism comes under WTM spotlight

Phil Davies - Oct 27, 2024

How travel and tourism can respond to terrorism will be under discussion at World Travel Market. The International Institute of…