
TravelMole secures top industry panel

Ginny McGrath - Apr 14, 2024

TravelMole’s second fast conference, which will tackle the issue of sustainable tourism, is set to be a fascinating debate moderated…


Tasmania hits back over boycott

- Apr 05, 2024

Authorities in Tasmania are furious at British MPs who have called for a tourist boycott of the island because of…


Sustainable tourism agreement

David - Mar 24, 2024

The Center for Sustainable Tourism and Sustainable Travel International have formed a new partnership aimed at promoting responsible travel, it…


TravelMole event a sell-out

Ginny McGrath - Mar 17, 2024

TravelMole Fast Conference Special: TravelMole’s inaugural event was a hotbed of industry debate and audience participation. The high calibre of…


The end of the package holiday?

- Mar 15, 2024

Travellers are turning their backs on traditional beach holidays provided by the leading tour operators, according to a survey from…


Tourism set to recover in 2004

Ginny McGrath - Mar 11, 2024

Global tourism is set for a robust recovery this year according the World Travel and Tourism Council, but it will…