
TripAdvisor CEO to leave next year

TravelMole Editorial Team - Nov 11, 2024

TripAdvisor Inc. CEO Steve Kaufer plans to step down from the role in 2022. A replacement is being sought and…


Tripadvisor nixed two million reviews last year

TravelMole Editorial Team - Oct 28, 2024

Travel platform Tripadvisor, published its 2021 Review Transparency Report, revealing in detail the volume of review contributions to the platform…


Eurostar to pilot biometric travel solution

TravelMole Editorial Team - Oct 21, 2024

High-speed cross-channel rail operator Eurostar is trialling a new biometrics-based travel solution by identity, payments and data protection developer Entrust.Travellers…


NHS app outage causes travel chaos

TravelMole Editorial Team - Oct 14, 2024

An outage of several hours of the NHS app caused chaos for travellers at airports and ferry terminals.They were unable…


A revolution in Ferry Ticketing ?

Graham McKenzie - Oct 13, 2024

Born out of neccesity Ticknovate have developed a ticketing system for Ferries that allows companies to add value and profit…


Vibe announces two senior appointments

TravelMole Editorial Team - Sep 21, 2024

Booking technology provider Vibe has announced two new senior appointments in newly created roles. .The Client Services Manager position will…