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Become a Hotel Planner reservations specialist and earn commissions anytime its convenient for you and from the comfort of your home.
Here is how it works:
  1. You need a High speed Internet Preferably w/ ethernet, Chrome browser and an audio headset/microphone (an apple headphones/mic's may work too).
  2. When your application is approved, you attend a training program on how to navigate the reservation system and how to help callers book hotels.
  3. When you sign in (any time, 24x7), you will be offered calls of customers looking to make hotel reservations. You don't need a phone, the call will be delivered through the Chrome browser via your internet connection and headset.
  4. If you accept a call which results in a hotel booking, you earn a commission based on the booking profit after the guest checks out. You are paid twice per month, via check, or direct deposit. As an independent contractor no benefits are provided.
  5. The better booking your results and service ratings the more calls you get.
  6. Based on your overall performance, you can expect to make from $10-$30 USD per hour. Actual amounts vary depending on your sales performance and call demand when you sign in.
To apply, register to create a password that you will use when you return and complete each step of the process.