Happy New Year {name},

TravelMole’s reaches 67,000 UK travel trade subscribers, 115,000 in the USA, and 47,000 in Southeast Asia/Australia-New Zealand, 70,000 of whom follow us on social. They generate 1.8 million monthly page views.

Click here to receive a customized proposal that will provide you with unparalleled lead gen, agent engagement, and amplification of your brand, with an innovative mix of digital, social, and content campaigns, which will boost your impact, at extremely competitive costs.

To ensure this opportunity reaches the right hands, could you kindly forward this to your colleague(s) responsible for trade marketing?

Refer to the TravelMole media kit for audience demographics and samples of our digital and content offerings. And, our 2024 Forward Feature Calendar.

Wishing you a Prosperous and Healthy 2024,

Ralph Adams
Business Development Director


TravelMole Media Group – USA: 5042 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 16955, Los Angeles, CA 90036 | United Kingdom: 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FH