Dear  {name},

As they say, “better late to the B2B retargeting game than never”. It is time to nurture your travel trade leads and prospects along the buyer's journey up your sales funnel, based on their behavior, interests, and stage in the funnel. Recapture lost leads and increase conversions.

TravelMole is now offering ‘retargeting’ to augment travel suppliers’ and destinations' marketing strategy that involves retargeting through personalized ads and email messages with relevant messages, offers, and CTAs for travel agents who have already visited or interacted with your website, product, or service, through TravelMole digital, social, and content trade marketing.
Contact us today, to learn how we will optimize your ad budget and ROI to reach TravelMole’s 67,000 UK travel trade subscribers, 115,000 in the USA, and 47,000 in Southeast Asia/Australia-New Zealand, 70,000 of whom follow us on social. They generate 1.8 million monthly page views.

Kindest Regards,

Ralph Adams
Business Development Director

TravelMole Media Group – USA: 5042 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 16955, Los Angeles, CA 90036 | United Kingdom: 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FH