Hi {name},

Can we help with your upcoming trade marketing?

TravelMole has 67,000 UK travel trade subscribers/members, 115,000 in the US, and 47,000 in Southeast Asia/Australia and New Zealand. 70,000 follow us on social. They generate around 2 million monthly page views.

We guarantee results, offering a comprehensive suite of tailored digital and content marketing options.

Please share our media kit with your trade marketing team. It contains our audience demographics and samples of all our digital and content offerings.

Do let Graham McKenzie, Paul Riches,  Carol Hay, Geoff Ceasar, or myself know how we can help with your next travel trade promotion.

Best Regards,

Ralph Adams
Business Development Director

TravelMole Media Group – USA: 5042 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 16955, Los Angeles, CA 90036 | United Kingdom: 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FH