Dear {name},

There could not be a better time to start your trade promotions and TravelMole is here to help both with both paid promotions and editorial.

TravelMole currently has 67,000 UK subscribers/members; 115,000 in USA and 47,000 in APAC/ANZ generating 1.8 million page views each month.  70+k of them follow us on social.

  Here are our 2024-25 trade marketing package options for your and your colleagues’ consideration.

The TravelMole media kit  (flip book or download large PPT) contains our audience demographics and samples of all our digital and content offerings.

If you feel that these ideas are of interest please feel free to reply to contact me.

Kindest Regards,

E: Ralph Adams
Business Development Director

TravelMole Media Group – USA: 5042 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 16955, Los Angeles, CA 90036 | United Kingdom: 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FH