12 Months Advertorials and Banner Ads
Hi {name}

TravelMole’s Travel Agent Update Newsletter is a well-established bi-weekly publication, now in its 6th year. It boasts a dedicated subscriber base of 67,000 UK travel agents, tour operators, and other travel professionals, and 71,000 US travel agents.

We are excited to offer travel suppliers and DMOs the opportunity to promote their products and destinations year-round with the following package:
  • 12 advertorials featured in:
    • Travel Agent Update UK or USA newsletter of your choice
    • TravelMole.com website (1.5m monthly page views)
    • Facebook and X-Twitter (reaching 70,000 followers)
  • 12 weeks of banner ads in the Travel Agent Update UK or USA newsletter of your choice
This limited offer is available for $3,950 (or the equivalent in £ for UK-based clients) for either the UK or USA market, or $/£ 6,950 for both markets.

For more information or to discuss a comprehensive digital and content campaign tailored to the UK or US market, please contact me.

You can view the TravelMole media kit here (
flip book or download large PPT).

Best Regards,

Senior Partnerships Director
E: Ralph Adams

TravelMole Media Group – USA: 5042 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 16955, Los Angeles, CA 90036 | United Kingdom: 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FH